Preserving precious military memorabilia for generations to come.

A framed military history collection

Like many people, you might have treasured military photographs and medals which belong to you or have been left to you by family members. They might be tucked away in a drawer or stored in a box in the attic.

At Picture Perfect, we have the skills and expertise to present this military memorabilia for proud display in a high quality handmade frame, made to measure with a mount in complementary colours if required.

We can frame any war memorabilia to hang on your wall, in an office or in a regimental building instead of just being hidden away. It could be a formal or informal military photograph, a ration book with photos, or dog tags and uniform badges.

Regimental colours

We can also enhance your military memorabilia to create something truly unique. For example, military group photographs can be made even more eye-catching if we include mounts in the appropriate regimental colours. Commissions and warrants will be even more impressive if they are framed in regimental colours with the regimental cap badge included.

In fact, any 3D items such as medals, cap badges, swords and whole uniforms can be skilfully framed by our qualified framers in tailor-made silk-lined box frames to create an irreplaceable piece of military history for you.